MP3-Resampler (Freeware)

Creator: Markus Madeja
Language: English
Release: 2010
Platform: Windows with .NET Framework
Downloads: 452
SHA256: C190A3EE2921C2250E494F38EE140CEEFAED04375F88D6EBA6CF9A73875B0171


MP3-Resampler is a program, that sits on top of LAME and it's task is to make MP3 smaller, so they fit in environments with little space (like old mp3-players). For this the software not only recompresses the mp3, it also copy over the ID3-Tags like the cover, the title and the artist, so you keep all the details of a song. In the end it only uses the recompressed version of the song if it's smaller. You can convert complete folders and M3U-Playlists. For easy access you can use drag'n'drop.